Dating methods are derived from 3 unprovable and debateable presumptions:

Dating methods are derived from 3 unprovable and debateable presumptions:

1) That the rate of decay is constant throughout time. 2). That the isotope abundances within the specimen dated haven’t been modified during its history by addition or elimination of either parent or child isotopes 3) that after the stone first formed it contained a known amount of child product (“Radioisotopes and also the chronilogical age of the planet earth” pg v)

We should observe that past processes may never be occurring after all today, and that some could have happened at prices and intensities far not the same as comparable procedures today. ( “Radioisotopes and also the chronilogical age of the planet earth” pg vii)

Jesus cursed the floor (the stones too!)

See my commentary on Genesis 3 verse 17 “..cursed may be the ground for the benefit”

Whenever this took place there is a burst of radioactity that made the stones look more than these people were.

Would not this make most of the stones look the exact same age? Read More